All the information bellow collect all the programed, coordinated and curated shows by Juan Fuster during his time like a director in Art Mustang.

Knit Knit Vacuum

Solo show/Esculpture/Azucena Gonzalez/Curated by Juan Fuster/ Art Mustang/18-01-2019 to 20-03-2019.

Link to video.


Colective show/Miren Zarrabe/Juan F. Navarro/Mar Ramon Soriano/los diez/Sara Grandela/Guillermo Rodríguez/Helena Aguado/Antoio Borlado/ Curated by Juan Fuster/ART Mustang/05-04-2019 to 05-06-2019.

No es la maldad, es la necesidad

Solo show/Mural/Disneylexya/ Art Mustang/ Curated by Juan Fuster/03-07-2019 to 14-10-2019.


Colectiv show/Arte y diseño de producto/Antonio Ferreira/Amine Asselman/Carlos Martín/Coco Moya/David Cantarero/Miriam Martínez Guirao/Román Corbato / Curated by Juan Fuster /ART Mustang/26-01-2018 to 14-03-2018.

Viento a favor

Solo show/Helena Toraño/Painting Curated by Juan Fuster/Texts by Semíramis González/ ART Mustang/23-03-2018 to 23-06-2018.

Equilibrio Oscilante

Solo show/Intervención Mural/Toni Cuatrero/Curated by Juan Fuster/Art Mustang/20-07-2018 to 19-10-2018.

Caleidoscopio Wall

Solo show/Anna Taratiel/Instalación/Texts by Alex Brahim / Curated by Juan Fuster/ ART Mustang/03-02-2017 to 16-03-2017

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Two people show/Ding Musa/Clara Sánchez Sala/Instalación, fotografía, escultura/Curated by Bernardo Sopelana/ Co Curated by Juan Fuster Texts Bernardo Sopelana / ART Mustang/31-03-2017 to 24-06-2017.

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Mujer o árbol

Solo Show/Instalatión/Carla Souto/Beca Puénting 2016/ In colaboration with the university Miguel Hernandez UMH. Text byJohanna Caplliure /Curated by Juan Fuster/ ART Mustang/21-07-2017 to 07-10-2017.

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Solo show/Instalation/Pablo Capitán del Río / JustMAG”premio joven 2015/Text by David Bestué  ART Mustang/ Curated by Juan Fuster/ 21-10-2017 to 17-12-2017

Link Video

Lo ajeno

Solo show/Painting/Antonio Montalvo/Text by Óscar Alonso Molina / Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/15-01-2016 to 26-03-2016.

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Efectos Sonoros

Show/Instalation, esculpture// Nuría Fuster/Pablo Bellot/Ruben M. Riera/Curated by Juan Fuster/Text by Johanna Caplliure /Mustang Art Gallery/08-04-2016 to 22-06-2016.

Link video

El escenario del crimen

Individual show/Mural/Alberto Castelló Juan /Quinta edición Beca Puénting 2015/ In colaboration with the University Miguel Hernandez UMH/Text by Olivares/ Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/22-07-2016 to 23-09-2016.

Link video

Números Primos

Solo Show/ Fernando Martin Godoy/ Painting instalation/ JustMAG”premio joven cuarta edición 2015/Text by Cristina Ramos / Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/21-10-2016 to 17-12-2016.

Link video

Metamorfosis Silenciosas

Solo show/Sculpture/Liliana Zapata/ JustMAG”premio joven tercera edición 2014/Text Joaquín Sánchez/ Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/21-11-2014 to 14-12-2014.

Link Video

Ciudad Elegida

Colective show/Fotography/Alberto Feijoo/Carlos Aguilera/Cristina de Middel/Ricardo Cases/Sebastián Liste/Vicente Paredes/Curated by Ana Alarcon Ros/ cocurated by Juan Fuster/Texts by Ana Alarcon RosMustang Art Gallery/

27-03-2015 to 09-05-2015

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Solo show/Ilustratión/Javier Saéz Castán/Curated by Juan Fuster/Text by Pablo Auladell/Mustang Art Gallery/15-05-2015 to 20-06-2015.

Link Video

Blue & White

Solo show/Mural/Reinaldo Thielemann/ Cuarta edición Beca Puénting 2014/ In colaboration with University Miguel Hernandez UMH. /Text by Natalia Molinos/ Curated by Juan Fuster/ Mustang Art Gallery/16-07-2015 to 18-09-2015.

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Solo Show/Esculpture, drawing and instalation/Aurelio Ayela/Critical Text Semíramis Gonzalez/ Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/ 16-10-2015 to 11-12-2015

Link Video

Grandes Éxitos

Solo show/Sculpture instalation/Eduardo Balanza/Text Nacho Ruíz/ Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/07-02-2014 to 08-03-2014.

Link Video

Componer en el tiempo

Solo show/Hélène Crécent/Sculpture installation/Curated by Johanna Caplliure/ Co Curated by Juan Fuster/ Text by Johanna Caplliure/Mustang Art Gallery/14-03-2014 to 28-04-2014.

Link video

Wild Pulse

Solo show/Nelo Vinuesa/Video animation, painting, instalation/Critical Text Álvaro de los Ángeles/ Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/16-05-2014 to 17-07-2014.

Video link


Solo show/Installation digital art/Lliure Briz/ JustMAG”premio joven segunda edición 2013/Critical Text by Alberto Sanchez Balmisa/ Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/ 25-07-2014 to 27-08-2014.

Video link

El Luchador

Solo show/Saúl Sellés/ Performance, Sculpture/Third edition Beca Puénting 2013/In colaboration with University Miguel Hernandez UMH. /Critical Text by Marisol Salanova/ Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/21-11-2014 to 14-12-2014.

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Paloma al aire

Colective shoe & colaborative /Cartonlab, Rosh 333, Erre Galvez/Curated by Ana Alarcón Ros/ Cocurated by Juan Fuster/Text by Ana Alarcón Ros/Mustang Art Gallery/11-03-2013 to 30-04-2013.

Diagrama de Ven

Colective & colaborative exhibition /Cartonlab, Rosh 333, Erre Galvez/Curated by Ana Alarcón Ros/ Coordinated by Juan Fuster/Text by Ana Alarcón Ros/Mustang Art Gallery/11-03-2013 to 30-04-2013.

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Solo show/Laramascoto team/”JustMAG”premio joven first edition 2012/Critical Text by Juan Carlos Gea Martín/ Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/21-06-2013 to 28-03-2013.

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Chinese Work

Solo showl/Team Francisco Javier Reina & Elia Torrecilla/second edition Beca Puénting 2012/ In colaboration with University Miguel Hernandez UMH. /Critical Text By Javi moreno/ Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/13-09-2013 to 12-10-2013.

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Solo show/Carlos Coronas/Light intervention/Critical Text by Miguel cereceda/Mustang Art Gallery/ Curated by Juan Fuster/25-10-2013 to 19-01-2014.

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Colective show/Curated by “Comissión“ Jose Luis Corazón Ardura, Avelino Sala, Pelayo Varela & Ana Rico Bornai. 

Artists:  Fernando Baena | Rafael Burillo | Luis Cárcamo | María Cañas | Josechu Dávila |Antonio de la Rosa | Democracia | Chus García-Fraile | Sofía Jack | Kaoru Katayama| Cristina Llanos | Teresa Margolles | Marucha Mateos | Pepe Medina | Luís Melón | Jorge Méndez Blake | Eugenio Merino | Linarejos Moreno | Santiago Morilla | Teresa Moro | Todo por la Praxis | Psjm | Avelino Sala | Orson San Pedro | Rubén Santiago |Santiago Sierra | Pelayo Varela | Daniel Villegas/Catálogo número especial de la revista sublime/Coordinated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/ 20-01-2012 to 20-03-2012.

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Solo show/Daniel Palacios/Curatorial Text by Johanna Caplliure/ Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/23-03-2012 to 12-05-2012.

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Solo show/Rui Algarvio/Curated by Julio Cesar Abad Vidal/Coordinated by Juan Fuster/Text byJulio Cesar Abad Vidal/Mustang Art Gallery/ 17-05-2012 to 12-07-2012.

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Ficciones en serie

Colective show/Curated by Jordi Costa/Artists: Joaquín Reyes, Ernesto Sevilla, Raúl Cimas, Carlos Areces, Miguel Noguera, Jonathan Millán, Quim Tarrida, Pablo Bellot, Rubén Garzas, Efrén Álvarez, Artemio Narro/coordinated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/27-07-2012 al 19-09-2012.

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Papel sobre papel sobre papel

Tow people show/Ismael Lagares & Antonio Alonso/Text by Natalia Molinos/Coordinated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/28-09-2012 to 24-11-2012.

Link video

Plantas eléctricas

Solo show/Miriam Martínez  Guirao/Beca Puénting primera edición 2011/Texto by Javi moreno/Curated & coordinated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/30-11-2012 to 19-12-2012

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Colective show/colection DKV “Arte y Salud”/Curated byr Alicia ventura/Artists Antonio Alcaraz, Aurelio Ayela, Carlos Domingo, Chema López, Ernesto Casero, Javier Velasco, Joel Mestre, Juan Cuéllar, Juan Olivares, María Ortega, Moisés Mahiques, Pamen Pereira, Ramón Roig, Regina de Miguel, Roberto Mollà, Sergio Barrera, Tono Barreiro, Ximo Amigó/Text by Alicia ventura/coordinated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/19-01-2011 to 15-03-2011.

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Solo show/Juan de Marcos/Text by David García/Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/10-03-2011 to 09-04-2011.

Sujetar y Romper

Solo show/Marlon de Azambuja/Text by Javi Moreno/Mustang Art Gallery/Curated by Juan Fuster/ 14-04-2011 to 18-05-2011.

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Go 717

Solo show/Víctor Cámara/Text byJosé Luís Martínez Meseguer/Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/ 16-06-2011 to 23-07-2011.

Causa Efecto

Solo show/Ana Soler/Text by Rafael Doctor/Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/08-09-2011 to 28-10-2011.

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Solo show/Olga diego/Critical Text by Teresa Lanceta/Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/04-11-2011 to 09-01-2012.

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Solo show/Joan Saló/Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/18-11-2010 to 15-01-2011.


Solo show/Adrian García/Critical text by Oscar Alonso Molina/Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/16-09-2010 to 11-11-2010.

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Conversaciones entre el murmullo

Solo show/Kribi Heral/Curated by Juan Fuster/Mustang Art Gallery/01-07-2010 to 15-09-2010.

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